01926 686 600 9:30am - 4.30pm - Mon-Fri (10 - 4.30pm Tues)
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About Us

Therapist Insurance was established in 2010 by two therapists who were looking to provide insurance solutions for Therapist in the UK and Republic of Ireland. They partnered with Balens Limited (Balens), operating as an Appointed Representative of Balens from the beginning.

Therapist Insurance became part of Balens, which itself is part of the PIB Group, in March 2025, and now operates as a trading style of Balens Limited. Balens was established in 1950 and is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2025. It has been an Insurance Broker specialising in providing insurance solutions for Health, Wellbeing, Fitness and Beauty Professionals since the early 1990s. For further details, please see Balens website at: https://www.balens.co.uk/about-us/about-balens/