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Key Points - Policy Cover

Suitability Statement and Statement of Demands and Needs

Balens Limited have arranged a bespoke policy suitable for individuals and/or businesses working in the Health and Wellbeing industry. Your cover can be made up of four policies.

How we make our selection. 

For each policy we select from only one insurer. For each policy Balens have designed a bespoke policy wording with the insurer and have a delegated binding agreement in place. Each insurer has a good claims record and is financially secure.

Our Service to you.

This service is on a non-advised basis, which means we do not make a personal recommendation on the suitability of the product. We provide you with sufficient information to enable you to make an informed decision as to whether the policies and the level of cover provided will meet your demands and needs.

The Capacity in which we are acting.

We act as agent for the insurers involved when sourcing the policy and placing the insurance. In the event of a claim we act as your agent. Your insurance cover start and end date will be specified in your policy schedule. Your obligations to us and how to cancel your policy are detailed in our Terms of Business which are provided alongside this document.

Please read the sections below to ensure the cover you select is suitable for your requirements:

Professional, Public and Products Liability cover. The Insurer for this policy is Zurich Insurance Company Limited. 

The declaration form requires you to confirm that you are a Health and Wellbeing Practitioner and/or a Business that provides advice, treatment, activities or therapies to members of the public. As such you can be held legally liable for loss or damage to other people’s property, injury or harm or financial loss alleged to have been caused to your clients, patients or other parties and you therefore require an insurance policy that meets this requirement. This policy has been designed with the above in mind and to provide defence and payment for damages for the above, as well as covering many additional risks. 

Commercial Legal Protection cover. The insurer for this policy is DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Ltd.As a Health and Wellbeing Practitioner and/or Business Balens have recognised a requirement for additional cover relating to potential legal defence costs that may occur through the course of running your business. The Legal Expenses policy provides defence against criminal allegations and provides access to a legal advice helpline.


Individual Personal Accident cover (OPTIONAL). The insurer for this policy is Zurich Insurance Company Limited. 

If you select to include this policy, you confirm you require a protection policy that will provide a lump sum settlement to you, or your estate in the event of a total or permanent disability or death caused by accident. This policy will provide a short-term solution providing a maximum claims settlement of £25,000. Please refer to the Insurance Product Information Document for further details. If however, you are looking for a long term solution that provides protection against loss of income due to injury or illness or another type of protection policy, this policy will not be suitable. Please contact us for further information on the policies available. 


All Risks Cover (OPTIONAL). The insurer for this policy is Zurich Insurance Company Limited. 
If you select to include this policy, you confirm you require a policy to provide protection against the loss, damage or theft of your therapy equipment, computers photographic, electronic, office equipment and stock used in connection with your business. You are required to select the level of cover that you feel is appropriate to your requirements and you have used a current full valuation for the goods and items concerned and you have considered and understand the potential of underinsurance. Please refer to the Summary and Guide for further details. If the value of your equipment and/or stock exceed the maximum value provided by this policy then the product will not be suitable. Please contact us for further information on the policies available.


What does the policy include ?

Professional Liability and Malpractice Insurance

Ø  This policy is underwritten by  Zurich Insurance Company Limited (Zurich)

This is a policy that provides cover for Professional, Public and Products Liability for Health and Wellbeing, Fitness, Beauty and other Health Professionals as noted and agreed by Balens Ltd.

Ø The policy provides a limit of £4,000,000 or £6,000,000  This limit is per section and applies to any one claim, for an unlimited number of claims in the policy year for section I. Professional and section II. Public Liability unless otherwise stated in the schedule. The limit is in the aggregate for SECTION III. Products Liability. Legal Defence costs are covered in addition to the limit of liability and are unlimited.

The policy is on a Claims Occurring Basis, but with a difference!

The policy is on a claims occurring basis with a difference. The policy will cover claims that occurred during the policy period irrespective of when the claim is made, meaning that you are protected for claims that may arise later down the line providing the work was carried out during the period of insurance. We include an upgrade of cover feature on the Zurich Policy that protects you against the effects of inflation, and rising court awards. This cover is a pioneering hybrid offering the advantages of a claims occurring policy with features normally only found on a claims made policy, but with none of the disadvantages, particularly around the issue of discontinuing cover and possibly being uninsured later on if a claim is discovered. Further information about this is available on Balens website www.balens.co.uk

The policy will cover you to practice in the UK, cover is also included for temporary trips abroad with the following exclusions:

  • USA, Canada and any territory under their jurisdiction (unless by referral), for treatment work
  • Any product not supplied in or from Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Channel Island and Isle of Man
  • The policy is an annual policy (unless otherwise stated in Schedule). The policy is renewable each year.

What is Insured?

Section I: Professional Liability 

Cover includes: 

  • Any breach of your professional duty (malpractice) due to a negligent act, error or omission committed or alleged to have been committed.
  • Any act of Libel or Slander committed or uttered in good faith.
  • Unintentional infringement of any intellectual property right, design right, registered design, trademark or patent.
  • Unintentional breach of confidentiality or unintentional misuse of any information.


Section II: Public Liability 

Cover includes: 

  • Accidental injuries to third parties and third party property damage.
  • Accidental obstruction, trespass or nuisance arising out of your business activities.
  • Wrongful arrest detention and/or malicious prosecution.


Section III: Products Liability. 

Cover includes: 

  • Accidental injuries to third parties and third party property damage caused by Products.
  • Cover in respect of products supplied independently of any treatment, therapy and or advice is only provided where the annual turnover in respect of such Products supplied does not exceed £30,000.


General Extensions

  • Loss of reputation cover up to £35,000 per occurrence
  • Expenses incurred to replace or restore lost or damaged documents up to £50,000 per occurrence.
  • Retrospective Extension - cover provided by Sections I – III applies to events that happened prior to the commencement of this policy provided such an event is first notified to you during the period of insurance and the previous insurance policy in force at the time of the event will not respond. Full details of the previous policy must be provided.


General Exclusions

  • Liability arising out of the injury of any employee.
  • Liquidated, punitive damages and/or fines.
  • Any liability caused by, contributed by or arising from nuclear radiation or contamination and/or in consequence of war, pollution and/or terrorism.
  • Liability arising out of any criminal, fraudulent acts including sexual harassment.
  • Liability arising from any claim or in connection with Tour Operators Liability as defined by the Travel Package Regulations.


General Restrictions

  • Endorsements may apply to your policy. These will be shown in your policy documents.
  • Cover excludes any treatment, therapy and/or advice to any persons under the age of 16 unless guardian or parental consent has been obtained and recorded on any treatment record.
  • Cover for teaching and or training is not provided automatically where a certificate of competence is provided (this does not apply to healing activities or teaching/training provided by a Reiki Master). Cover for students is only provided if activities are supervised by a qualified person or the student is deemed competent to undertake such work by their school or tutor.


This leaflet provides a summary of the significant features, benefits and limitations of the cover provided by this policy. If you want to see the full terms, conditions and exclusions of the cover please refer to the policy document, which is available upon request.


2. Commercial Legal Protection Insurance

  • This policy is underwritten by DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Ltd (DAS)
  • Cover for legal defence costs against criminal allegations.
  • Pre-disciplinary and Disciplinary Hearings cover.
  • Jury service and court attendance cover.
  • Tax protection cover relating to a tax enquiry, an employer compliance dispute and/or VAT dispute.
  • Unlimited access to legal and tax helplines.
  • Counselling service.
  • The policy provides a limit of liability of £100,000 per claim.


General Exclusions

  • Any Criminal investigation by or on behalf of HM Revenue and Customs.
  • Any prosecution as a result of infringement of road traffic laws or regulations.
  • Any loss, alternation, corruption or distortion or damage of stored personal data or reduction in functionality or availability of the same.
  • Any Claim relating to tax avoidance, failure to register for VAT, or PAYE, investigations by HMRC related to alleged dishonesty or criminal offences.


Please refer to the DAS 'welcome to your Legal Expenses cover' document and the DAS policy wording for further details, which are available upon request.

3. Personal Accident Insurance

  • This is an optional policy.
  • The policy is underwritten by Zurich Insurance Company Limited.


What is insured?

This policy covers you for bodily injury caused by accident and does not cover any claim caused or contributed by sickness. The policy will pay a maximum amount of £25,000 if you suffer bodily injury during the period of insurance which results in your:

  • Accidental death
  • Loss of or loss of use of a limb(s)
  • Loss of sight
  • Loss of hearing
  • Loss of speech
  • Permanent total disablement
  • Permanent partial disablement



  • Coma Benefit up to a maximum of £1,000
  • Funeral expenses up to a maximum of £5,000
  • Medical expenses
  • Relative travel expenses
  • Up to £15,000 for reasonable expenses incurred in retraining in an alternative occupation.



  • Any bodily injury, loss or expense arising from:
  • Engaging in active service of the armed forces in any nation.
  • Drugs, drug addiction and/or drink driving
  • Travel to dangerous or unsettled areas
  • Any gradually operating causes
  • Non-passenger air travel
  • Suicide or self-injury
  • War



  • Any claim by a person of 76 years of age unless bodily injury occurs during the period of insurance in which the person attains that age



  • Insured person under 18 years of age
  • Reasonable care

Please refer to the Personal Accident Insurance: Insurance Product Information Document and Policy wording for full terms and conditions, which is available on request.


4. Business Equipment 'All Risks' Insurance

  • This is an optional policy designed to provide cover for therapy equipment, computers, photographic, electronic, office equipment and stock used in connection with your business.
    • This is an optional policy section
    • Sum insured options of: £1,500, £3,000 or £5,000


What is insured?

  • Property used solely in connection with your business, belonging to you or for which you are legally responsible
  • Property including therapy equipment, office equipment, tablet devices, computers and ancillary equipment, electronic equipment, photographic equipment, stock.
  • A £100.00 policy excess applies to each and every claim.



  • Property taken outside of the UK, worldwide for a maximum of 60 days in any one period of insurance.



  • Brittle articles
  • Damage caused by wear, tear or any gradually operating cause
  • Damage caused by any act of dishonesty committed by any employee



  • Theft from an unattended vehicle – all doors, windows and other means of access are securely fastened and locked. All valuable items are locked in secure compartments and hidden from view. Any security devices for protection of the vehicle are put into full and effective operation.
  • The policy is underwritten by Zurich Insurance Company Limited.


Please refer to the All Risks summary and guide. The policy wording with full terms and conditions is available upon request.