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The content of this website is intended to provide a comparison of some of the Therapist insurance products and services available in the UK and is provided for information purposes only. As owner and author of this website, Therapist Insurance does not endorse any products or services contained within. The content of this website should not be taken as an offer or construed as advice under the Financial Services Act 1986 and you the user should satisfy yourself that the product or service is suitable before you enter into a purchase contract.

The rates and information shown are taken from sources believed to be accurate and whilst we have taken reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information, this can not be guaranteed. Therapist Insurance, including its management and staff will not accept liability for any loss, howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly from the use of the content on this website.

This website contains links to other websites and such links are provided for your convenience only. If you use these links, you will leave this website and Therapist Insurance does not control and is not responsible for these websites or their content. Should you have any questions concerning the content of this website then please do not hesitate to contact us.